
The difference between preserved flowers and dried flowers

  • Preserved flower production is more complex: Preserved flowers are made by processing fresh flowers through a series of processes such as dehydration, decolorization, drying, and dyeing.
  • Preserved flowers are more similar to real flowers: Preserved flowers retain the softness and color touch of fresh flowers after being refined by fine craftsmanship, and look no different from fresh flowers.
  • Preserved flowers last longer: Preserved flowers are fresh flowers that have been washed to remove sugar and fat without damaging their fiber structure, so they can be preserved for a long time.
  • Dried flowers are made by air-drying fresh flowers: Dried flowers are made by removing water from fresh flowers using natural air-drying, desiccants, drying machines and other methods.
  • Dried flowers have more artistic atmosphere: Dried flowers lose their luster and softness when they lose their moisture, but they have a kind of artistic loneliness and beauty that is very retro.
  • Dried flowers are fragile and need to be carefully preserved: Dried flowers are made from fresh flowers that have lost their moisture, so they feel dry to the touch and are relatively fragile and easy to fall off.